5th day, may 25

following an amazing three nights and four days traveling by mountain bike and camping every night (completely self-supported). Now we finally made it to civilization and more reliable roads to bike for the next few days. From Huallanca we head north and west on a good paved road that climb several thousand feet. Before descending the backside of a pass. We turn off the good highway and continue to lose elevation and wind through a gorgeous canyon of limestone walls with a tumbling River to follow. Few photos existed from today since it started pouring rain at about 1:00 p.m. and it was a steady downpour with mixed hail and sleet! Our Frozen to the Bone fingers and souls would not stop long enough to take pictures. Pedal pedal keep moving is best and we did. So pics for today are a bit bare Bones. One of Tyler at a huge fossil exhibit on the side of the road before it started raining. And one at the hotel in the town called Chavin. Hot shower is the best way to stave off hypothermia!!! Chavin as it turns out is a wonderful little town rich with archeology history of the pre colonial inhabitants.

dang, those are big footprints
some Street dogs can be quite cute, but Tyler don’t forget to wash your hands.
Categorized as Bike Peru

4th day. May 24.

today we’re moving away from the huayhuash mountain range. We woke up to morning fog and clouds. We rode some nice single track riding for several hours and passed some beautiful stone huts (real homes still in use today) as we approached the highway that led us to our final destination Huallanca city. Hotel shower dinner. Much needed since we got pretty wet with a light rain as we came into town.

How old? Simple, beautiful. Stone walls, thatched roof, solaaar panel…? Yes
Light rain as we motor down the dirt road highway towards town. Still gorgeous in any weather.
Gorgeous little town Huallanca Peru, population 7000, elevation 12,000ft
local school kids participating in a small parade right outside our hotel window
Categorized as Bike Peru

3rd day. May 23.

from our camp in the heart of the Huayhuash. We keep motoring north. More climbing and more biking through spectacular scenery.

tres Lagunas
Quishuarcancha the community with the best view

Categorized as Bike Peru

Overseas contact info

remember my friends. My phone will not get any texts or calls while I’m in Peru. I’m home June 17. Email: dwood@lostgringo.com or use my phone # and search for me on Whatsapp. It’s free, download it. (509) 665-0826. Love to hear from any all of you!!

Categorized as Bike Peru

2nd day. May 22.

packing up camp in the morning. Just above Laguna Viconga.

Camping at an old home site. Far from roads now.

taking a few hours to pass around the lake. We stopped to let this mule train go by. We clearly just turned on to one of the busiest gringo backpacking trails. All this was to support foreigners trekking and their camps. This was the first of about half a dozen.

Some much pushing of the bikes today. Finally made it to our our second high pass of the trip. 16,000ft. This one was brutal. The views were enough to make it worth while.

Tyler grunting up the last push of the pass
if you can read the name of the pass on the sign then you’re ahead of me

the mountain views are of Siula Grande and it’s neighbors. Seen of the movie touching the void.

walk down the other side of the pass. And pitch the tent just before darkness. We were definitely toasted after today.

Categorized as Bike Peru

1st day. May 21

up at 7. Breakfast and final bike checks in Oyon.

tyler and I checking out of hotel

local market for morning fuel. Plus bread & cheese for packable lunch.

Tyler w coffee

about 10+ miles on dirt roads.

Village along the way
As road turns to trail. LAGUNA SURA SACA.

a few more miles to camp (20+ for today). Tomorrow will be a real grind .

Categorized as Bike Peru

Final Preparations

today being our final day in Oyon we went for an afternoon training ride. About 20 miles on a dirt road that took us up to you 14,000 ft. The views were stunning.

Near our high point

just enough of a ride to give us headaches from the altitude.

tyler tossing in the weeds
Me with Oyon in the back ground.
me saying goodbye to our hotel

Maybe the last of civilization. We’ll see what the Andes really has in store for us next.

from here on out. I don’t know how many days before we get Wi-Fi again. I’ll post when I can. I hope everybody’s doing well Out there!! Finding your own adventures to keep you energized.

Categorized as Bike Peru


Last day in Oyon before the bike trip starts. Tyler looking on has some kids play soccer.
more views of Oyon. 12,000ft.
there is a gravel road that heads north in this valley. Tomorrow when our bikes fully loaded we’ll head out…
Categorized as Bike Peru

Two nights in Lima

in 48 hours we’re hoping to collect enough food and supplies, find the bus, and prepare our bikes for the journey to Oyon Peru. Tomorrow morning, early morning.

Categorized as Bike Peru