following an amazing three nights and four days traveling by mountain bike and camping every night (completely self-supported). Now we finally made it to civilization and more reliable roads to bike for the next few days. From Huallanca we head north and west on a good paved road that climb several thousand feet. Before descending the backside of a pass. We turn off the good highway and continue to lose elevation and wind through a gorgeous canyon of limestone walls with a tumbling River to follow. Few photos existed from today since it started pouring rain at about 1:00 p.m. and it was a steady downpour with mixed hail and sleet! Our Frozen to the Bone fingers and souls would not stop long enough to take pictures. Pedal pedal keep moving is best and we did. So pics for today are a bit bare Bones. One of Tyler at a huge fossil exhibit on the side of the road before it started raining. And one at the hotel in the town called Chavin. Hot shower is the best way to stave off hypothermia!!! Chavin as it turns out is a wonderful little town rich with archeology history of the pre colonial inhabitants.